Atomic Defense NIJ Level III Body Armor Plate | AR-15 & AK-47 Rifle Protection
Atomic Defense's standalone NIJ III AR-15 and AK-47 Bulletproof Armor is a hard-body security solution capable of withstanding rifle rounds. These ceramic body armor plates feature additional PEAD™ support for additional strength against various rifle calibers from guns like the AK-47 or AR-15.
- INDUSTRY-LEADING FEATURES: Our level III (3 ) plate is superior to the competitors' level III (3 ). It weighs half as much as our competitors' level III (3 ) AR armor. All while being able to absorb impact shrapnel, lower cost, and stop all of the most common assault rifles.
- BALLISTIC RESISTANCE: Our NIJ level III plates are tested to stop 5.56x45mm and 7.62x39mm FMJ lead core and hollow point rifle ammunition from common rifles like the AK-47 and AR-15. The plates also protect against 9mm, 10mm, .45cal, .40cal, .380, .38 Special, and lesser calibers.
- TESTING PROCEDURE: Our testers go above and beyond the NIJ requirement for ballistic resistance by firing multiple 5.56x45mm and 7.62x39mm FMJ lead core and hollow point rounds as well as 7.62x51mm/.308. All our III and III designations highlight that our plates are tested above and beyond the NIJ requirement.
- CERTIFICATION: Each plate comes with a QR code label on its certification sheet. It will show tested ammunition, angles, back-face deformation, distances, and more.
- ERGONOMIC: Curved to match your body shape. The real ergonomic cut allows full movement and action. This plate allows for easy shouldering of a weapon, and unobstructed aiming of a pistol.
- LEGAL TRAVEL: TSA & airplane safe. It has certified NIJ level 3 stand-alone ceramic protection with PEAD™ backing (better than IIIA (3A)) that can be used during airline travel too.
- NIJ III RATED: Complies with NIJ Level III under standard 0101.06. Blocks and stops various sniper, pistol, assault rifles, and airgun rounds. The best thing to have in a life or death situation. Two plate purchase is recommended for vests and clothing to cover both the front and back areas.
- BETTER THAN IIIA (3) & KEVLAR: Stops various AR-15 with 5.56 & AK-47 with 7.62 & more, see description. It also provides protection against knives and other melee weapons. Military-grade PEAD™ and ceramic mil-spec plating. Tried and tested to stop multiple rounds from various weapons.
- HALF THE WEIGHT: Our plates weigh less than half as much as standard AR steel body armor plates with ours weighing in around 5-6 pounds compared to AR steel at nearly 10 pounds.
- SAFER: Other plates on the market force shrapnel at and around the wearer when hit with a bullet. Our plates absorb bullets and shrapnel at you for increased safety.
- LOW-VISIBILITY: Fabrics and paints that enable greater stealth in dark environments.
- BUILT WITH: Fire, water, and dust-resistant materials.
- CUT: ESAPI (Mil-spec)
- WEIGHT (10"x12"): 5.1 pounds / 2.3 kg
- WEIGHT (11"x14"): 6.2 pounds / 2.8 kg
- MATERIAL: Military-grade ceramic and PEAD™ (polyethylene)
- SIZES: Two sizes - 10x12x0.9 in (25x30x2.3 cm) or 11x14x0.9 in (27x35x2.3 cm)
- COMPLIES WITH: NIJ level III (3) under standard 0101.06, VPAM PM 7/8, TR SK3/PM7/PM6, HOSDB HG3, RF1, and SG3, GOST Class 3/4, GOST BR4, SAPI/ISAPI.
- NIJ level III PE ballistic plate (Equal to commercial III plates)